About US
The Libyan Africa Investment Portfolio forms part of the investment funds that comprise the Libyan Investment Authority. It was established in 2006 with a capital of $5.3 billion US dollars, of which 75% is allocated for investments across the African continent, given the promising investment opportunities. The remaining 25% is invested in European countries and markets in order to diversify the investment portfolio.

Our Mission

Our Mission
Our Goals
- Adopting a proprietary approach to asset allocation that is in line with the standards of similar and more advanced investment institutions.
- Researching and understanding the trends and fluctuations of the African and global markets and ensuring that the investments achieve their intended goals.
- Evaluating investment opportunities in cooperation with specialized consultancy agencies and focusing on prospective investments.
- Entering into partnerships with shareholders with experience, knowledge, and financial literacy in the field.
- Providing training to employees in order to progress in various fields, to keep pace with developments and changes in global markets.
- Effective decision making and implementation, in order to establish the portfolio as a trusted investor and partner.
Our Guiding Principles
The Libya Africa Investment Portfolio is a national investment institution whose mission is to develop and maintain sustainable wealth in the long term. We rely on the following guiding principles for the investment process to succeed
- Preserving capital and protecting it from economic fluctuations.
- Evaluating and auditing the allocation of assets.
- Monitoring and analyzing performance through continuous supervision, and the assessment of associated risks.
- To establish LAIP as a reliable partner for both local and international companies and institutions.
- Adopting a balanced approach in the allocation of assets and the selection of viable investments.

مبادئنا التوجيهية
محفظة ليبيا افريقيا للاستثمار بصفتها مؤسسة استثمارية وطنية مهمتها تنمية وإنتاج الثروة على المدى الطويل مع تركيز ها على الاستدامة، لذا فهي تعتمد على العديد من المبادئ التوجيهية المصممة لإنجاح العملية الاستثمارية والمتمثلة في
- المحافظة على رأس المال وحمايته من التقلبات الاقتصادية في المجالات الاستثمارية.
- تقييم وتدقيق توزيعات رأس المال والأصول المملوكة.
- مراقبة الأداء وتقييمه عبر الإشراف المستمر ودراسة المخاطر المحيطة.
- السعي إلى أن تكون المحفظة شريكًا موثوقًا للشركات والمؤسسات المحلية والدولية.
- اعتماد نهج متزن في توزيع الأصول واختيار مجالات الاستثمار.